Today we pay Homage to two incredible people a mother and daughter dynamic duo. Debbie Rynolds and Carrie Fisher were two spectacular actresses that changed film forever. Debbie who was the spunky actress that held her own dancing in 'Singing in the Rain' then made a comeback as the most loving grandma in 'Halloween town'. She truly was America's sweetheart, she changed the film industry forever and the world loved her for it. She was a force to be reckoned with AND pioneered change that we still see today.
Her daughter Carrie is most known for being the self rescuing princess Leia from the 'Star Wars' series. However just like her mother she was destined for greatness and spoke out regarding mental illness and strived to truly make a difference in the world. Their passing has truly impacted the world and it will be a far less wonderful place without them, but we will continue to honor them and their contributions to society to keep their legacy alive. Our dear friend Katie from thedressupdame organized an incredible tribute this past weekend in their honor. The turnout was phenomenal TO SAY the least and the diversity of the crowd shows just how I influential they were. Disney even stepped in to help make the tribute unforgettable and it is with great pleasure and immense happiness that we share this special event with you. Here's to you Debbie and Carrie, you may be gone but you will never be forgotten.
May the force be with you

Katie's outfit details: 60's vintage dress- Vintage (gifted)/White elbow length gloves-vintage/Grey heels-Brimley & Co
Paola's outfit details: 50's yellow shirt dress- Lotty dotty vintage/ Matching yellow belt- Lotty dotty vintage/ Bronze heels- vintage/ Wide brim sunhat- Vintage/ Audrey earrings - Reverefolie/ Jennifer Petticoat-Malco modes
Kirsten's outfit details: High neck blouse with lace cut out- Thrifted/ White tennis skirt- Vintage / White belt- thrifted/ Black combat boots- Modcloth / Audrey Earrings- Reverefolie
We hope you enjoyed our tribute to two truly iconic women, who will be greatly missed. We couldn't have done this without Katie, the true mastermind behind this and we owe it all to her. She gave us all a time and place to come together as a community and mourn their loss, while brought together due to tragedy we hope you saw the strength of the community too. That love of fashion transcends into all cultures whether "nerds" or "pinups", and that you should know you are not alone in your grief. Regardless of whether you like Star Wars, classic hollywood movies or both you have a place among us and we're so happy to be able to share this event with you. May the force be with you our dear readers!
If you have any comments,questions or concerns or even suggestions on what you'd like to see us wear next, feel free to comment below and we'll do our best to reply in a timely manner.
As always thanks for reading, may your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & a lot of happiness.
Paola & Kirsten xx
Aka "thehepburnmovement"