Step right up folks! The long-awaited Dapper day tips blog post is finally here! I talk about Dapper day on the blog every year as it's my favorite event, I've been going since I first found out about it in 2014. I never miss it as it's such a special weekend to me, both the fall and spring event brings different and amazing experiences. I usually do a recap blog post but at the request of many of you lovely folks, I have decided to do tips and tricks blog post this time around as well. Whether you are looking to get last minute outfit inspiration, or just learn from someone who's been going for years you've come to the right place. I asked for your input as well to see what kind of tips you would like. So I've got a mixture of my own personal tips and answers to your questions. I am by no means a dapper day expert as if there were such a thing, just spreading the knowledge I've gained from going for years. While most of my information will be due to my experience here at Walt Disney World, I think it can be used anywhere. Keep reading to get my tips to having a fun and unforgettable Dapper day weekend!

For those of you who have been following me for a while, you know that my love of Disney is all-encompassing. When I first found out about Disney bounding I fell instantly in love. I not only get to dress up in outfits inspired by my characters but I also get to wear them to the parks! It truly doesn't get any better than that. True to who I am, I always have my own take on the bounds. I do a vintage twist on them which is known as Dapper bounding but we can talk about that in a different post. The March Disney bound challenge is a way to combine my love of Disney, fashion and bounding into one. For 31 days the Disney community becomes one ALL OVER THE WORLD. I'm not kidding when I say fans from Canada to Tokyo join in. It is an incredible event to be a part of one that brings us together due to our love of Disney. You don't have to do all thirty days or even all the prompts, you can join in whenever works best for you. The main idea is to have fun and bring the community together. I did all 31 days because I truly wanted to push myself and get my creativity going. It isn't called the Disney bound challenge for nothing! So keep scrolling to see what bounds I did and be sure to tell me which one you liked best!