Kungaloosh Adventurers! It's that time of year again! What time might you ask? Well it's Adventureland day ofcourse! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, have no fear Paola is here to explain everything. Now Adventureland day is a fan hosted event that takes place in both Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World here in Florida. It was created last year by none other than Tiki Tony himself. It brings together all lovers of Adventureland and anything Adventure related. Everything from Tarzan to Indiana Jones himself, quite the all encompassing event isn't it? Last year I stumbled upon it by chance and had such a wonderful time I knew I had to attend agin this year. I couldn't have been more happy that i did not only was the turn out amazing, but it was even more fun than the last one and i can't until next year's. Keep scrolling to read more about the activities that took place, the adventurers I met and of course what I wore to Adventureland day!