Paris is always a good idea

We've been a bit busy with the semester ending and finals to really go out and explore anywhere but we figured since the beloved and highly coveted Paris print jenny skirt is coming back into stock it was a good excuse as any to don our favorite paris prints and take a much needed breather. Now unfortunately we haven't been to Paris or Europe at all for that matter but its definitely on our bucket list. Theres something so incredibly enchanting and exciting about traveling halfway across the world to explore unknown places,so its our "we'll get there someday" trip. For now we'll just have to settle for places around us that have the same cute,rustic charm we'd imagine they have (or as close as we can get,work with what you got yeah?). Now since we're actually in Florida the good ol sunshine state, finding places with good lighting isn't an issue its finding ones that aren't too sunny that is.(We're talking blinding,squinting so hard you can't tell if your eyes are open sunny). However despite the obstacles we faced,the too bright light,that immense florida heat and few shady areas we couldn't wait to show off these gorgeous prints. Anything Paris print is sure to reel us in,we're suckers for it and these are no different. Except for the fact that they're pieces we coveted for ages and couldn't get our hands on them until long after they were discontinued. The constant searching definitely makes them incredibly special pieces in our eyes but its the prints themselves that really made us fall in love.For those of you who are as enamored with Paris as we are we can't recommend them enough, the vibrant colors and print capture the life and sprit of Paris to a T. So if you're thinking of getting the Paris print jenny skirt don't hesitate,theres a reason its so popular its one of a kind!

Paola's outfit details: Jenny Skirt in Paris Print -Pin up girl clothing /Belt-Pin up girl clothing / -Forever 21 / Black Iones - BAIT / Pink head scarf-Vintage/Green Petticoat similar Here-Tatyana /Jennifer Petticoat-Malco modes /  Brooches no longer available but earrings are Here -FemmeDeBloom

Kirsten's outfit details:Rose pinup dress in lemonade eiffel tower print-Bernie Dexter /Belt-Pin up girl clothing / Black headscarf -Vintage / Silver t-strap Mary Jane flats -Zulilly / Pink petticoat -Vintage / Pink Heart Brooch -FemmeDeBloom/ Black headscarf -Vintage

We hope you enjoyed us sharing our favorite novelty prints Paris style. Theres just something about Paris that speaks to us after all its like the namesake of our blog said "Paris is always a good idea"-Audrey Hepburn (She says this in the movie Sabrina & if you haven't seen it..what are you waiting for?). We're still dreaming of going to Paris, its where are hearts just seem to long to be but since that isn't possible currently we'll settle for wearing prints of it. One day Paris you will be ours,that we can certainly promise. Taking time away for ourselves helped us realize that its definitely something we needed. No matter how crazy or stressful life gets ,don't forget to do the things that make you happy. Paris may be more a mindset for us than anything, our happy place to escape too and thats ok! Find yours and don't let go of it no matter what. If you have any comments, questions or want to share your 
"Paris" feel free to comment below and we'll do our best to reply ASAP.

As always thanks for reading ,

May your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & a lot of happiness.

Paola & Kirsten xx

aka "thehepburnmovement"

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