Stop and smell the little flowers

Since we are pinups on a budget, we are constantly trying to find ways to make our money stretch further as well as finding better ways to make accessories ourselves. We have decided to make more hair flowers, but this time we are going to use an easier process (no accidentally gluing your fingers together this time, we know this ones long overdue). As it turns out we like these better, you know we like the simpler things in life! We aren't big on accessorizing, this no surprise to you lovely folks who've been following us for some time but every now and again we like to spice things up. Hair flowers are one of the best ways to do that, they can tie colors in together in an outfit or even add a fun pop of color to a rather drab one. They also immediately add a bit of whimsy and romance to a look because who doesn't like flowers? (besides Paola but that's a whole other story). Another reason that we love hair flowers so much is because they instantly add a bit of "oomph" to an outfit. Are you having a bad hair day? Add a hair flower! Feeling like your outfit is boring? Add a hair flower and the list goes on. Now this post couldn't be done without a theme, but or well it couldn't be for us because we love themes too much so to show off the hair flowers this time around we chose a woodland creature theme. We wanted to embrace the whimsy and romantic part of hair flowers, we hope you enjoy our second attempt at making hair flowers! 

Things needed! 
-Bobby pins (curvy grips)
-fake flowers 

1- Prep the flowers by removing each flower from the stem 

2. Cut towards the middle but not through the flower (this will make the Bobby pin easy to put in) 

3- Hold the flower taunt and make sure its study so the bobby pin can go in easily through the hole.

4. Push the Bobby pin through the center making sure the cut peddles fall back to place

5.- Stick them in your hair and look fabulous! 

Flower gleam & glow

Paola's outfit details:Lace peter pan collar dress worn as top Similar Here- Forever 21 / Gold t-strap Mary Jane flats -Zulilly/ Gold belt- Vintage/Jennifer Petticoat-Malco Modes/ Mint fox skirt (discontinued)-Hell bunny/ White & yellow flowers-DIY
Kirsten's outfit details:  Deer Blouse (discontinued)-Tatyana/Gold t-strap Mary Jane flats-Zulilly/Mint striped skirt-vintage /white & yellow hair flower-DIY

We hope you enjoyed this updated pictorial of our DIY hair flowers, we definitely prefer this method and will be using it from now on to make all our hair flowers (besides very elaborate ones).  It's definitely a lot easier to follow and can be done at home since it requires such little materials. It's definitely a "how to make hair flowers for dummies" style pictorial and we love it. (the easier the better we say, and we may be avid readers of books like those). We want to reiterate once again that we are by no means hair flower experts, we simply just like finding affordable ways to get the accessories we want.  We are firm believers in the idea that money ISN'T a barrier or boundary just a simple hurdle to get over. Change your perspective and you'll be amazed what you can accomplish. We never let money get in the way of us achieving our style dreams even for something as simple as hair accessories and neither should you.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns feel free to comment below and we'll do our best to not only reply but help as soon as we can.

As always thanks for reading, 

May your days be filled with pretty dresses & or fabulous dapper clothes + a lot of happiness.

Paola & Kirsten xx

AKA "thehepburnmovement"


  1. Paola doesn't like hair flowers? Sacrilege! Haha! I love hair flowers and I think I need to wear them more often! You both look fantastic!

    1. She doesn't like flowers at all, though she likes fake ones haha I on the other hand am a flower fiend and LOVE them!! Thanks so very much!
      -Kirsten :)
