The times they are a changin'. You might have noticed the blog has been going though some changes this year, and a lot of that is because we no longer live in the same city. We have also grown so much though this blog. We want to thank all of you for being here for this journey and for the future. We have a little announcement!

This next year will be very different from the past years of thehepburnmovement because I (Kyra) have decided to pursue other dreams. While working full time, working on a second degree, and doing the blog I haven’t been able to find the time to pursue other outlets. I want to spread my creative wings and try something new. I have had so much fun doing the blog and love all of the friends I have made thanks to it! This being said I am planning on starting a YouTube channel in the new year! This channel will be filled with vintage inspired fashion tips, lazy girl guides to, mental health topics (like coping mechanism, depression, and others), as well as anything else I think will be fun! This channel will be for me to express myself and to work on projects that interest me! I hope you will follow me on this journey and also follow Paola on hers as she turns this blog into her dream!

If you have any comments, questions or even suggestions on what you'd like to see us do next, feel free to comment below and we'll do our best to reply in a timely manner.
As always thanks for reading, may your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & a lot of happiness.