Hello friends whether old or new thank you for following along on this journey. Today marks three years since I first started this blog and while there have been many changes throughout the last few years, I am so thankful for all of you! It’s been awhile since my first introduction post and I’ve grown and changed a lot since then, as have you my readers. So let’s get better acquainted shall we?

Who is "thehepburnmovement"?
Hello I’m Paola or Lola if that’s easier for you . I’m a queer vegan, intersectional feminist, Colombian American, 4 ft 9 vintage loving gal. I was born and raised in Miami,Florida. I grew up on the beach & culture of Miami life. I can definitely say that my love of fashion is thanks to growing up in such a beautifully diverse area. I am currently a full time student studying to be a speech pathologist. Week days you’ll find me either working away or studying.Weekends are when I come alive and have much more free time! You’ll find me at WDW or Universal taking in the magic. How did you get into vintage?
I spent a lot of my childhood with my grandparents, they helped raise me and it’s thanks to them that I love vintage. I grew up hearing about their childhood, in Colombia during the 50s. We spent so much time together that their hobbies, interests and music tastes shaped me. Many afternoons were shared listening to Old tunes, rifling through photo albums & hearing their stories. They got me interested in vintage and I spent many years reminiscing with them for those good ol' days.
What inspired you to dress the way you do?
It wasn’t until my freshman year of high school that I really fell in love with vintage clothes and movies. I saw my first Audrey Hepburn movie ever, when I was 14 & it changed my life. Sabrina was the first movie I ever saw and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I was enraptured by her mere presence. I owe my fashion sense and a large chunk of who I am to her. I adore Audrey, she is my greatest role model in every way hence the blog name. I want to inspire the world the way she inspired me and spark a change. A movement that is timeless, elegant & charming just like Audrey. She truly was remarkable in every which way, I hope to leave the world a better place like she did.

How long have you been dressing this way?
I unfortunately haven’t always dressed this way, I had many, many phases before finding my style. (I’m talking goth and everything in between). I started dressing pinup four years ago, it was mostly reproduction and vintage inspired pieces when I first started. I dressed in that style for a year before realizing it wasn’t really for me. It wasn’t made for my body type and most pieces were too expensive for me. I didn’t feel elegant or beautiful and decided to finally take the vintage plunge. After all if Audrey did it why couldn’t I ?
Three years ago I made the decision to sell all my reproduction pieces except for a few special ones and buy a whole new vintage wardrobe. As they say the rest is history. I fell head over heels in love with vintage and can’t ever imagine dressing in any other way.Three years ago I made the best decision ever to be myself and finally be confident in the skin I’m in. I have my bad days, don’t we all? For the most part though I couldn’t be happier.
My favorite eras are the 40's and 50's, while I dress predominately in those I like to branch out every now and again to test my creativity and my wardrobe. Fashion for me is a creative outlet, a way to express myself and share who I am with the world. Every outfit is a labor of love,planning and more often than not tears. Thanks for letting me share them with you!
What is "thehepburnmovement"?
I started this blog to share my outfits and share adventures with all of you and it has become so much more than that. I truly wouldn’t be where I am today without all the love, encouragement and support from you.
Through this page I hope to share my life with you as well as show case the diversity of the vintage / pinup community. I plan to use this platform to give representation to minorities everywhere, to show that we are here and belong just as much as anybody else. As well as to offer a fresh take on the Disney / Harry Potter community through a vintage gals eyes.
Most importantly I plan to show that just because I dress in vintage doesn’t mean I “am vintage” I believe in vintage fashion not vintage values. This blog will chronicle all my vintage clad adventures and any friends I make along the way. I’m so happy that all of you have chosen to follow along. I’m excited to make my blog everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more. Happy new year everyone let’s make 2019 the best one yet !

Thank you for your tremendous support and love over the last three years. I couldn't have made it this far without all of you here. I know that there have been many changes since the blog first began but I am so grateful for every single one of you. Let's make 2019 and this third year of being together unforgettable. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me. I'd love to know more about you! Leave a comment blow,let's get to know one another!
If you have any comments, questions or even suggestions on what you'd like to see me do next, feel free to comment below and I'll do my best to reply in a timely manner.
As always thanks for reading, may your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & a lot of happiness.
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