We here at the thehepburnmovement strive to show the diversity of pinup/vintage culture every chance we get, to show that ANYONE and everyone can be a pinup regardless of your age, sexual orientation or race. That despite the lack of representation in the media, we exist exist and are here to inspire others to step out into the spotlight. People from all kinds of nationalities and identities make up this community and we aim to show that with every post. We want to highlight the wide variety of pinup/vintage loving people because they come from all walks of life, and deserve to be seen. So without further ado, here's a new weekly addition to our blog to show case the different people that make up this amazing community. We couldn't think of a better time to kick it off then Black History Month, to not only show appreciation for the different aspects of it but to show our support. We want to help promote a loving environment and decided to start off by sharing the stories of those close to us and how they became a part of his community.

We met Mo purely by chance one night when we decided to take a detour on our way home at Disney springs, it has been the best chance encounter we've ever had by far. We bonded over our love of pinup/vintage fashion, and we have become great friends thanks to this. We've exchanged horror stories,heart ache, fashion secrets and love stories, bonded over our love of old movies and affinity to our grand mothers wardrobes. Mo constantly inspires us everyday with her big heart and kind personality to be the very best people we can be. She is a no nonsense, innovative, fun loving, talented and incredibly sweet woman and we are lucky to call her our friend, we hope that you enjoy getting to know her as much as we have.