Accessories? What? Do we do that? Not often but we are trying to step up our accessory game! Together we have an okay collection of vintage/modern hats but we rarely wear them so we decided to take them for a spin and wear a different hat each day for this challenge!"Put a hat on it" is a more personal challenge while we try to reinvent outfits through different accessories. Accessorizing isn't really our forte,but we've seen how a simple hat can elevate an outfit and completely transform it and we wanted to tests the limits of that with this challenge. Being that we are penny conscious and have to make wise purchases, it is more cost effective to buy smaller accessories or jewelry to spice up a look than to buy a new article of clothing. You might already know that we love hair flowers (Check out tutorials here and here), but that is not the only accessories we like!(although we are creatures of habit,we are trying to break out of our shell). We like hats, but never know how to style them! Our friend Lark whose blog is Misslarkbahar is a brilliant stylist when it comes to incorporating vintage hats so we took a few notes out of her play list for this blog post & we hope you like it !
Day 1
Idea one: pick a focal color to match the hat with! Kirsten's dress is a beautiful dusty rose pink and so she wore a grey hat with a little pink feather and trim to tie it together. Paola added a white hat to complement her white pearls and petticoat! Playing with colors and matching little details is a very simple way to incorporate a hat.


Paola's outfit details: Red off the shoulder top-Forever 21/ Dress worn as skirt-Vintage/Jennifer Petticoat-Malco Modes/ Black wide belt-Thrifted/Ballet flats-Target/Pearls-Gifted/Hat-Thrifted
Day 2
Idea two: Neutral colors work with everything! Even if the outfits were full of color a simple hat would work to add a little flair! You can't go wrong with the classic colors like black and white.We may not wear these colors together here often but theres no denying the allure they have.(we are far too clumsy to wear white often,lets just say it never stays that white for long).These outfits were a bunch of fun and we ended up embracing a vaudeville style out of our norm!

Paola's outfit details: Peasant top-PUG/Black Jenny Skirt-PUG/ Black grommet belt- Bernie Dexter/Black heels-Gifted/Jennifer Petticoat-Malco modes/Black Bowler hat-XXI


Kirsten's outfit details: Peasant top-PUG/Black 40's style pants-XXI/Nude heels-Chase & Chloe/Black belt-vintage/Black hat- Target
Day 3
Idea three: Opposites attract? Yes indeed! If you decide to wear two different colors on the color wheel, work it! Maybe a cool tone hat and a warm dress, at times it can make a darling pair. We love mixing warmer and cool tones to add fun dimensions to outfits especially if they're all one color. That small color contrast can make all the difference and really bring your outfit together. We have a rather large collection of sun hats but these are definitely some of our most fun because of the details.
Paola's outfit details: Gingham Daisy dress(discontinued)- Pinupgirlclothing/Hair flower -Thrifted/Jennifer Petticoat-Malco modes/Gold t-strap Mary Jane flats-Zulily/Sun hat- Thrifted

Kirsten's outfit details:Picnic print Zooey Dress(discontinued)- Pin up girl clothing/hair flower-Vintage/ Red Crinolne-Vintage Malco Modes /Silver t-strap Mary Jane flats -Zulily/Blue hat- Vintage
Day 4
Idea four: Match to your belt or shoes! In Kirsten's case her shoes and belt were shades of brown and thus chose a brown hat to go with them! Paola was simple with a black hat with a black belt and shoes! But remember that you don't have to follow a rule that says you can't wear brown and black together, we've done it!

Kirsten's outfit details: -Lindy bop / BAITS/ Red tights-Ross/Wool plaid skirt-thrifted/Brown cloche hat-vintage/brown belt-thrifted

Kirsten's outfit details: -Lindy bop / BAITS/ Red tights-Ross/Wool plaid skirt-thrifted/Brown cloche hat-vintage/brown belt-thrifted
Paola's outfit details: off shoulder burgundy top-Love culture/Black belt with silver buckle -thrifted/ Black round hat worn on crown of head-Vintage/ Brown floral print skirt-thrifted/Red earrings- Luxulite/Black Iones-BAIT

We hope you had as much fun reading this post as we did styling these outfits,we realized how incredibly versatile and fun hats can be and look forward to incorporating them into more of our future outfits.(it helps that they an hide a bad hair day too). Sometimes its good to step out of your styling comfort zone and try something new, because you may find a new and fun way to style something and fall head over heels in love. Have you got a favorite way to style a hat or a specific accessory you use to spice up your outfits? Share it with us,we'd like to hear from you and who knows we may just feature that way of styling in our next post!
If you have any comments,questions or concerns feel free to comment below and I'll do my best to reply in a timely manner.
As always thanks for reading, may your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & alot of happiness.
Paola & Kirsten xx
Aka "thehepburnmovement"