My sister has been an integral part of the blog since it first began,but I recently realized I've never formally introduced her to all of you.(where are my manners?). You all seem to be incredibly fond of our twin adventures and are always begging for more so I thought it's the perfect time to get to know us both a little more. I made a questions/suggestions box on social media where people could submit things they wanted to know about us for this post. So it's going to be a collaborative effort! We are excited to answer your most frequently asked questions and share more about us in the process. Without further ado let the Q&A begin!


Who is the oldest?
Paola: I am by seven minutes, something I take great pride in!
Anna: Sure she's the oldest but I have an inch on her height wise,so who's really winning?

How did you get into vintage style?
Paola & Anna: We owe our love of vintage style to our grandparents. We grew up with them and they instilled a love of all things vintage in us.
Anna:I found Audrey though and introduced her to Paola,and as they say the rest is history.

Do you have a lot of things in common?
Paola: This is the question we get asked the most, it's a yes and no answer. While our interests overlap we like them in different ways or different aspects of them. Take Audrey for example I'm more of an Audrey in Sabrina both style and personality wise. I am also extremely extroverted and social.I am outgoing and very outspoken. While I love anime, Asian culture and video games like Anna it's definitely not to the same degree. I love music and singing is my talent while art is something I admire from afar. (my drawing skills ain't pretty). We share a lot of the same interests but are entirely different levels of the spectrum and that's what makes us work.

Anna: I'm more of an Audrey Hepburn in Roman holiday personality and style wise. I am also incredibly introverted and shy,although I am trying my best to be more brave. Anime/video games and Asian culture are a huge part of who I am. I go to anime conventions regularly,I have a tumblr dedicated to my favorite video game animal crossing and want to move to Japan after I finish school. I love music but I am definitely more of an artist,drawing is something I've always loved to do. I love that we have so many things in common it's why we are best friends but our differences make us unique.

What kind of twins are you?
Paola& Anna: We are identical twins! Fun fact we were born 5& 1/2 months premature so we like to consider ourselves extra special kind of twins.

Do you share a lot of things?
Paola & Anna: Just about everything, we are lucky enough to be the same size and share alot of the same interests.
Anna: Sweets are the one thing we need to have our own of,we each have a pretty big sweet tooth and sharing never really works out!
Paola: What she means is she eats all the sweets, so sharing doesn't really happen.

Do people get you confused all the time?
Paola: When we wear similar outfits/ hairstyles definitely. Especially when they only see one of us at a time or in passing.
Anna: When we were younger we used to switch places all the time and confuse people. As babies we were so identical my mom used different colored hair bands on our wrists to tell us apart.

What's it like being a twin?
Paola: This is such a loaded question but I can honestly say it's like any other sibling relationship except for the fact that you look alike. It's something we work at everyday and have developed into what it is now. I couldn't imagine my life any other way and I am so thankful to be one of two.
Anna: It's like Paola said, it isn't something that just magically is perfect. We are two very different people so sometimes our personalities clash but she's my best friend. My life would be incomplete without her in it and I would never not want to be a twin.

Best part of being a twin? worst part?
Paola & Anna: The worst part about being a twin? Well that's easy. Everyone automatically assumes we are clones of each other when in reality we are very different. People want to psychoanalyze and judge us because we are twins. While being twins is fun it isn't all we are but often times that's what we are reduced to. We are just like anyone else, complex multifaceted individuals and often times people forget that.

Paola & Anna: The best part? Definitely for us it was being born with a built in best friend. It's always been us against the world,come rain or shine and that kind of friendship is something we never take for granted. We take care of one another up,lift each other up and get one another in ways no one else will. Growing up as twins wasn't without it's difficulties but we were able to do it because we had each other. Plus the twin telekinesis is pretty cool too.(we wish it were true,this is something people assume we have). At the end of the day being able to have someone who understands you and stands by you no matter what. Well that's the best part about being a twin and we are so glad we were born together. We're a pair!


I hope you enjoyed learning more about Anna and I. Being a twin is such a special thing and its a huge part of who I am. I am so thankful to be able to share this life with her and have my very own doppelganger and built in best friend. While being twins is an essential part of who we are, it isn't all we are and I hope you saw that through this post. We are both our own people who love dressing up together and look alot alike. Here's to being twins and everything that comes with it, I couldn't imagine my life without Anna.
If you have any comments, questions or even suggestions on what you'd like to see us do next, feel free to comment below and I'll do my best to reply in a timely manner.
As always thanks for reading, may your days be filled with pretty dresses, dapper clothes & a lot of happiness.
Paola xx aka "thehepburnmovement"
Aw, this was such a sweet post! I loved learning more about the both of you!