Mirror Image
Seeing double? Why thats just a demonstration of how amazing and powerful the outreach of this event really is.Women from all walks of life,from all parts of the world came together to show off their outfits and love for an incredible brand. These incredibly well dressed women are just a small part of the PUG community but one that is very near and dear to our hearts. They coordinated with us to match on the days we were wearing the jenny skirts and if that doesn't say sisterhood we don't know what does. (#PUGsisters for life).We had the pleasure of meeting these ladies online thanks to a few groups and we can honestly say that our lives wouldn't be the same without them. We have spent years struggling to find a place where we fit in,where our style isn't a "costume" and where regardless of who you are,where you come from,what size you wear or even what you wear you will always be accepted,that is until now. These ladies have welcomed us in with open arms,no judgment or questions asked and have shown us that we've found the place where we belong once and for all.Theres not much else we can say about this amazing group of women without getting all teary eyed and sentimental so we'll let the pictures do all the talking.
Paola's #jennyjanuary week !
L to R: Katie, Paola ,Amy , Julia , Molly , Paola, Julia , Vivian
L to r: Julia, Paola ,Kirsten, Dana , Pia , Paola, Franny , Julia, ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Kirsten's #jennyjanuary week!
L to R : Stella ,Kirsten, Anna Paola's twin sister , Flippa , Lisa , Kirsten, Yvonne, Amber
Plethora of Jennies
Now if that adorable week full of matching didn't depict just how wide spread and remarkable #jennyjanuary truly is these next set of collages definitely will. We reached out to numerous different ladies via different social media accounts to ask if they would like to be featured here today. The amount of support,encouragement and love we received from each one of these gorgeous ladies is truly incredible. To go from never fitting in and being teased because of our looks to being accepted and taken care of by complete strangers online just says wonders about its power. Jenny janaury was truly a magical week for us,not only because it was our first one ever but simply because we built new friendships thanks to it and we are all the more happier.There is no denying the global outreach that not only #jenny janaury has but PUG as a wonderful company as well.
2. Luci,Nicole , Molly 2.Kat,Deva,Suzie
3.Elise ,Hillary,Sammie 3.Tammie,Angelina,Geneen
1.Kaotar , Kristina , Ruby 1.Ruby , Trisha , Tayler,
2.Jen , Tatyana , Celina , 2.Dana ,Noemi , Kim ,
3.Candice , Michelle , Mary 3.Krissy, Jamie , Grace
There are only a few things that reach as far as fashion does. Fashions fade, style is eternal.
Yves Saint-Laurent
And the beautiful styles that Pinup Girl Clothing sells are definitely eternal. Theres no denying that for all the ladies featured here they are a quintessential part of our wardrobe and this week wouldn't have been possible without the beautiful,quality clothes that they provide.(We aren't really enabling you to check them out,just laying out the truth for you all to see haha what you do with that information is up to you ;) ). Once more we'd like to thank the ever sweet Amy for not only making this possible but for also allowing us to share our love of jennies and her gorgeous face all over our blog. We have all been brought together thanks to it and we can't wait until the next one . Until July yes ? (We're already planning outfits as we speak,yes we enjoyed it that much & you're welcome to join in too!)
We hope you enjoyed this recap of our week in outfits for this wonderful event, if you have any comments/questions or concerns feel free to comment below and we are always ready to answer / help to the best of our abilities .
As always thank you for reading ,
May your days be filled with pretty dresses and a lot of happiness .
Paola & Kirsten xx
Aka "thehepburnmovement"
Look at all the beautiful PUG sisters in their Jenny skirts and dresses! I love seeing how everyone styled their dresses and skirts, each so unique but still fun and classy. Love it.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more ! Our favorite part of this post was seeing all the different ways the PUG ladies styled their outfits :)
DeleteFirstly, it was such fun to see so many gals in their Jennys!! Secondly, Paola, can I just say how much I love how much you love your pettis? I love it! I smile every time I see you wearing not just one but two or three! You're so cute! =)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sara! you are such a sweetheart <3
DeleteI'm like dolly parton with petticoats the bigger the better I say,theres no such thing as too much fluff or too many pettis ;)
Thanks for including me! XO
Thank you for the opportunity gorgeous <3